The Faith
The Pre-Conciliar Church
The First Century
The Oral Period
The Second Century
Criteria of Apostolic Continuity
The Third Century
Origen and Origenism
The Dogma of the Trinity
The Fourth Century
The Pre-Nicene Church
Arianism before Nicæa
The Councils
The First Œcumenical Council
Before the Council Meets
The Council Meets
From the 1st to the 2nd Œcumenical Council
The First Stage: A.D. 325 to 341
The Second Stage: A.D. 341 to 360
The Third Stage: A.D. 360 to 381
The Second Œcumenical Council
The Third Œcumenical Council
Before the Council
The Council meets
After the Council
The Fourth Œcumenical Council
Before the Council begins
The Council meets
An Orthodox Journey
The Seven Councils